About Us
Who Is Bearded Dragons Rock?
BeardedDragonsRock.com is operated and run by Claire Compton and Steve Brown, authors of Bearded Dragons: The Essential Guide. We both have a love of bearded dragons and have kept them for over 10 years. We’ve also kept other reptiles and amphibians in the past, though we concentrate on Beardies now. We have researched much about bearded dragons during our time keeping them.

We love our Bearded Dragons!
We’ve found a huge amount of information on the Internet regarding bearded dragons. But, there’s SO much conflicting information so we wanted to create a site that would give up to date, accurate and correct information for Bearded Dragon keepers and potential future owners.
We rely on our experience and our own research to bring this site to you. Our content is based on our own experience and in some cases where we don’t have particular experience we’ve researched hard, questioned veterinarians and vet techs and combined the information with the experience.
We’ve distilled our research and experience into this website and published a book about Bearded Dragons which is available as eBook. We’ve also published the book on Amazon at Bearded Dragons: The Essential Guide as well as provided it on Google Play Books and Kindle.
What Are Our Qualifications?
On the topic of research, both Claire and Steve have science based degrees and are both registered healthcare professionals (for humans of course!). This doesn’t necessarily mean we know what we’re talking about with bearded dragons (though we do). But it does mean we know how to correctly perform scientific research. We know how to interpret data and to discard the bad science from the good.
We’re not going to claim to be experts – that’s what professional herpetologists and reptile vets are for. We’re just bearded dragon keepers who want to share our knowledge and experience to improve the life and care of your reptilian friends.
If you find information here that you disagree with, please do let us know – every day is a school day and we will learn something from you.
You can contact us by leaving a comment on the specific post that you disagree with, or you can contact us at hello@beardeddragonsrock.com – you can also do this if you agree with us and like our content. If you like our content please share it with your friends. Our mission is to get the correct information in to the hands/eyes of as many bearded dragon keepers as possible.
We really hope you enjoy our website and wish you all the best with your Bearded Dragon(s)